John and I took the kids to Niagara Falls in July of 2001. We stayed at the Hilton Hotel in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. The falls are beautiful as you can see from these pictures!
These are the American falls.
These are the Canadian Horseshoe
Below is the Skylon Tower. There are 2 restaurants at the top of it as well as an observation deck. We got some great video from up there!
The weather was absolutely gorgeous while we were there.
Here we are all decked out in the blue rain jackets they give you before boarding Maid of the Mist. To the right, you can see just how close the boats get to the Canadian Falls. You'd get completely soaked without the jackets.
John and I taking pictures of each other! And this is what the indoor pool at the Hilton looked like. Notice the slide, it was 3 floors high.
We went to the Hard Rock Cafe...Let's see...that makes at least 5 that I've been to now.
This is the entrance to the Watermark Restaurant which was on the 34th floor of our hotel. It overlooks both Falls and the food there was delicious. Here, Robby relaxes and plays a quick game on his Game Boy! We had a really nice corner room that overlooked the Canadian Falls.
We ate at the Rainforest Cafe-Niagara Falls one night. Great atmosphere and good food!